The Healthy Ageing Summit Logo
April 26, 2023
Croke Park, Dublin

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Entrepreneur and Broadcaster
Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for Mental Health and Older People

The Inspector General of Aged Care is a new independent body in Australia tasked with overseeing the administration, regulation and funding of the aged care system. As a consumer advocate, former CEO of the Council on Ageing Australia and government advisor, Ian reflects on over 30 years in the sector and sets out a vision for the systemic changes that will produce a better aged-care system.

Interim Inspector General of Aged Care, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, former CEO, COTA Australia
Chief Officer, Age Friendly Ireland
Chairperson, the National Network of Older People’s Councils
Director, Centre for Economic & Social Research on Dementia, University of Galway

UK Research and Innovation’s Healthy Ageing Challenge launched in 2019 has a mission to ensure that the ageing population remains active, productive, independent and socially connected across the generations for as long as possible. We’ll hear about their mission to transform the lives of millions within a decade.

Challenge Director, UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge

Ageing in Place: Ageing well at home

Addressing the challenge to support older people in good quality housing that promotes care, wellbeing and alleviates loneliness. What can Ireland learn from supported independent living and multi-generational housing in Denmark?

Researcher, Royal Danish Academy of Architecture
Senior Executive Architect, Limerick City & County Council
  • Providing suitable housing and care for older people
  • How do we fund care and housing for the older population?
  • Technologies and services for ageing well at home
  • The implications of the changing nature of tenure of ownership in Ireland
  • What can we learn from retirement living in other countries?
Head of Clann Age Friendly Housing Body
Principal, Ciarán Ferrie Architects
Chief Executive

Innovation opportunities in the longevity economy

  • What can be done to match our health span to our life span – what can a proactive preventative approach supported by digital technology offer?
  • Scaling up health innovations in the silver economy
  • Digital solutions to help us age smarter and healthier
Founder & CEO, SAVI – Smart Ageing Ventures International
Co-Director, ALL (Assisting Living & Learning Institute), NUI Maynooth
Entrepreneur and Broadcaster

Why helping people to age well is a new healthcare priority

Including funding models and financial sustainability


The design of the next generation of aged care services needs to respond to the demand for different types of care, diversity in options and the strong preference people have for remaining in their own home and community:

  • Shaping policy and funding to drive the fundamental change needed in aged care
  • Overcoming the challenges to change and reform in aged care
  • Regulation that enables and promotes delivery of quality aged care experiences
  • Creating a consumer focused, high quality aged care system
  • Technologies and services for ageing well at home
  • Workforce reform: How will the sector recruit, retain and upskill the workforce of the future to meet the needs of our ageing population
Professor of Health Systems, School of Nursing, Dublin City University
Director of Nursing/National Lead for Older Persons Services, HSE

Is Ireland ready for ageing?

  • Collaborating to improve health and social care and promote healthy ageing
  • Perspectives of our homes and communities as we age
  • Innovating within aged care, combatting digital exclusion
  • Innovative interventions for community health and wellbeing
  • Funding challenges: Population ageing and the public finances 
Chief Economist, the Fiscal Advisory Council
CEO, Nursing Homes Ireland

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